Benefits of Drinking Water

Drinking Water

Drinking a healthy amount of water is vital to your health. Approximately 70% of our body’s mass is made of water and according to a number of doctors, drinking a total of eight glasses of water a day fulfills the necessary needs of this liquid our body demands.
There are many reasons to drinking water I have compiled a list, highlighting the advantages of drinking water that can surely help you in living a healthy life. So, here are the 9benefits of drinking water.

How Much Water Should I Drink?

You have heard that you should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. How much water you actually need depends on your weight, level of activity, the temperature and humidity of your environment, and your diet? Your diet makes a difference because if you eat plenty of water-dense foods like fruits and vegetables your need to drink water will be diminished.
Mayo Clinic recommends up to 9 cups a day, but different individuals may have different needs. The traditional approach follows the 8 x 8 rule: eight 8-oz. glasses of water a day. But research has found that your body needs more fluid than just this standard recommendation of 64 oz. of water a day. Men should drink 3 L, or about 100 oz., of fluids a day and women up to 2.2 L, or around 74 oz. This can include other fluids, such as coffee, juice or tea, to equal the total liquid you need. Timing your intake will put the water to use as a digestive aid.
When you drink enough water, your urine will usually be pale yellow, though vitamin supplements and antibiotics can discolor it. On the other hand, you shouldn't need to run to the bathroom too frequently. When in doubt, drink a little more.

1) Lose Weight

Water is the only liquid on Earth that safely reduces weight. It removes the by-products of fat and keeps you fresh and healthy. Drinking water regularly, suppresses your appetite to a great extent and limits your food intake. Another distinct feature of water is that it literally contains no calories, hence, contributing significantly to weight loss.

2) Be Young

Do you want to look younger? Problem solved! Just drink lots of water every day! Water is a perfect replacement for your expensive aging treatments. If you don't drink enough water, you'll suffer from dry skin, and you'll be likely to use more creams and lotions to moisturize. However, creams and lotions don't strike at the root of the problem.
In addition, it helps maintain the elasticity and suppleness of the skin and prevents dryness by detoxifying the skin. Hence, one should strictly avoid dehydrating foods and beverages such as caffeine (cola, chocolate, coffee, tea) and alcohol

3) Improve Skin

There are many good reasons to drinking water like improve your skin. The fact is that skin is an organ, and just like any other part of the body. Your skin is made up of cells. And skin cells, like any other cell in the body, are made up of water.
Without water, the organs will certainly not function properly or at their best. Drinking enough water can also combat skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, wrinkles and spots. Drinking water also keeps your skin hydrated. In other words, water acts like a moisturizer.

4) Improve Brain

In the study, drinking water can improve the workings of the brain, especially when you’re thirsty. From the University of East London, the researchers believe that when thirst is resolved, the brain becomes more focused and ready to work. including our brain and the various tissues are mostly composed of water. Dr Edmonds added: “It could be the sensation of thirst takes up attention resources and so the feeling of quenching that frees them up.”
Water is an essential component required for the effective working of our body since body parts

5) Reduce Heart Attack

1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack. A study conducted in the Loma Linda university in California, involving 20 men and woman in the age range of 38 to 100 years, concluded that those who drank enough water throughout the day were less likely to have a heart attack (41% in women and 54% in men). George Le-Bert, DO, a cardiologist  with Baptist  Heart Specialists in Fernandina Beach, says the connection between water consumption and heart health needs to be explored more thoroughly. However, medical observers think the magic may be in the minerals.
"Generally, it seems that people who live in areas with harder water—and by that, we mean water that contains minerals like calcium and magnesium—tend to have fewer heart attacks," he says. "It seems that these minerals have some beneficial effect on blood pressure, which can improve heart health."

 6)Reduce Bladder Cancer Risk

Drinking water can reduce men’s risk of bladder cancer, according to researchers at Ohio State and Harvard universities. Also a theory, drinking liquids, especially water, may dilute toxic substances that may be concentrated in your urine and flush them out of your bladder more quickly. Studies have been inconclusive as to whether drinking water will decrease your risk of bladder cancer.

7) Headaches and back Pain

Drinking water helps to relieve headaches and back pain. Although there are many reasons that contribute to headaches, dehydration is one of the most common ones. If you don’t drink enough water you can become dehydrated, and this can trigger a headache.
Drinking too much of certain liquids, such as caffeinated drinks, can trigger headaches. Make sure you limit the amount of caffeine you drink, and drink plenty of water every day.

8) Improves Digestive System

Regular drinking water increases your metabolic rate and improves your digestive system Drinking water helps your whole body, including your digestive system, It helps the digestive system work smoothly and improves blood circulation.
Warm water could help relax stomach muscles if that seems to be a problem. If you are constipated, try drinking more water - it can work wonders!

9) Healthy Kidneys

The kidneys are the hubs of the body's plumbing system. Research over the years has suggested that drinking extra water helps the kidneys clear sodium, urea and toxins from the body. And in the past year, two large studies found a lower risk of long-term kidney problems among people who drink more water and other fluids daily. Water, along with lemon or lemon juice is often used to overcome respiratory diseases, intestinal problems, rheumatism and arthritis.
So, if you haven’t already, go to the nearest water cooler and pour yourself a large glass of water; repeat this practice eight times a day for best results!
